Chewing Gum
Do you know the reason why Singapore government restricts the citizens not to buy chewing gum? Here is the story. One day Lee Kwan Yew went to Thailand and had lobster at the dinner with the Thai King. After Lee finished, he asked the King:
Lee : Your Highness, what can you do with this lobster skin?
King: We cannot do anything with it, we just throw away.
Lee : Oh, no. In our country, we send it to the factory and produce some prawn cracker.
Then Lee had an orange. After he finished, he asked the King.
Lee : What can you do with the orange skin?
King: We cannot do anything. We just throw away.
Lee : Oh, no. In Singapore, we send it to the factory and produce some orange jam.
Then Lee asked for some chewing gum. After he finished, he put on the plate and asked the King.
Lee : What can you do with the chewing gum?
King: Oh, no. We just throw it away.
Lee : In Singapore, we send it to the factory and produce condoms and send it to Thailand.
Lee said good bye to the King and the King asked Lee.
King: What can you do with the condom when you finish using it?
Lee : We cannot do anything. We throw it away.
King: In Thailand when we finish using the condom, we send it to the factory to produce chewing gum and send it back to Singapore.
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